2025 Range Work Day

This year's Range Work day will be on May 3rd beginning at 8am. Please let us know if you'll be able to join us and if you have any specific skillsets or tools that may be useful by emailing info@bigthompsonbowhunters.org. Anyone who can use a rake or shovel is welcome! However, if you have knowledge or certification in construction or carpentry, we welcome your professional input. We will be repairing our elevated stands, rebuilding targets, blinds, spreading gravel and a variety of other tasks. If you join us, please bring gloves and sunscreen. We will serve a simple BBQ lunch to anyone who comes and enjoy a bit of fun shooting afterwards. So bring your bow. We look forward to a day of building friendships and maintaining this awesome range with you!

Thank you so much for considering serving alongside our dedicated team of bowhunters! It’s a pleasure and joy to be an active member of this club.


3D Shoot Schedule for 2025