3D Shoot Info:
Big Thompson Bowhunters hosts multiple 3D Archery shoots each year. These shoots are probably the most laid-back, relaxed, fun shoot you’ll find. Folks come out to have fun as a family or challenge themselves to prepare for hunting season. Shoot registration starts at 9am with a short safety briefing and shotgun start at 10am. They consist of two 20 target rounds. One round before lunch and one after. We strive to provide a fun variety of 3D targets at these shoots, from bull moose to small game! We even offer the occasional optional fun target like “robo-doe” or a moving target. Shooters have the option of tracking their score if they would like to compete to win a prize for their division. Shoots generally are wrapped up and prizes awarded by 2-3pm. BTB Members are provided with a discounted rate at these 3D shoots.
These shoots take a fair bit of manpower to put on, so we’re regularly looking for volunteers! Volunteers help setup and break down targets and cook lunch. Please Sign up here if interested in volunteering. Thank you